East Rutherford, NJ


By an act of the New Jersey Legislature on April 17, 1889, a portion of the old Union Township was incorporated under the name of Boiling Springs Township. The new township took its name from a spring in the community. On March 28, 1894, the Borough of East Rutherford was created, based on the results of a referendum held the previous day, and Boiling Springs Township was dissolved. While there was no change in its borders, the name and form of government were changed. East Rutherford's claim to national fame is that it is the home of the Meadowlands Sports Complex.

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East Rutherford Demographics

Population: 9,761

Zip code: 07071, 07072, 07073, 07094

Median Family income: 71,887

East Rutherford Town Website: CLICK HERE

East Rutherford Listing Stats

Lowest price: $1,700

Highest price: $1,085,000

Average price: $124,601

Number of listings: 23